Accuform First Aid Kit Label - 3"x7" - Dura Vinyl / LFSD508XVE
Green color helps easily identify kit - White cross quickly shows location of first aid - Calls attention to location of first aid items

First Aid Kit Label - 3"x7" - Dura Vinyl / LFSD508XVE

Green color helps easily identify kit - White cross quickly shows location of first aid - Calls attention to location of first aid items

Product #: ACFLFSD508XVE
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Product Description

Bright green first aid kit label includes a white cross for easy identification.

  • The green color helps easily identify kit
  • White cross quickly shows the location of first aid
  • Calls attention to the location of first aid items
  • Safety Tag: A tag that is used to warn workers of unsafe equipment and to direct them to not use the equipment until serviced.
Product Specifications
Vendor Part #:LFSD508XVE
Color:White on Green
Dimensions:3 inch x 7 inch
Material:Adhesive Dura Vinyl
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